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1. 第一次看见宇宙,是和你四目相对的时候。

The first time I saw the universe was when I looked you in the eye.

2. 再来一万次,我也愿意伸手去捧水中的碎月,就算都是虚的,我也愿意。

Come again 10 thousand times, I am willing to reach out to the years in Peng Shui, even if it is virtual, I am willing.

3. 热爱可低岁月漫长。

Love is long.

4. 一定要站在你所热爱的世界里发光发亮。

Be sure to stand in the world you love and shine.

5. 这个世界把我变成一只刺猬,是你教会我温柔。

The world turned me into a hedgehog, you taught me to be gentle.

6. 我可能给不了你世间所有的温柔,但有一个词叫尽我所能,倾我所有。

I may not be able to give you all the tenderness in the world, but there is a word called do my best to pour all I have.

7. 其实我有时候脾气不好,有时对你大吼大叫,有时温柔的不得了,那我一定很爱你。

In fact, I sometimes have a bad temper, sometimes yelling at you, sometimes very gentle, then I must love you very much.

8. 早晨是一只花鹿,踩到我额上,世间多美好。

Morning is a flower deer, step on my forehead, the world is more beautiful.

9. 不要急于拥有谁,自己值得最好的男孩。

Don't rush to have the boy who deserves the best.

10. 山无棱,天地合,才敢与君绝。

In the morning, the sky and the earth are combined, and they dare to be with you.

11. 有的时候,我们会怨一个人、恨一个人、盼一个人,但我们仍感激上苍让我们能有这个可怨、可恨、可盼之人,否则生命就像一口枯井,了无生趣。

Sometimes we will blame a person, hate a person, look forward to a person, but we still feel that you go to bed, so that we can have this hateful and hateful person, otherwise life is like a dry well. To be bored without saving.

12. 无论你走多远,只要你回头,我永远站在你转身就能看得到的地方。

No matter how far you go, as long as you look back, I will always stand where you can see when you turn around.